Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year
The Before and After Care program will again be held at FES and Work-Family will continue to manage the registration.
Program Information:
Before care runs Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 8:10 am
Aftercare runs Monday through Thursday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (there is NO aftercare on Fridays)
When the school is closed the program is closed
When there is a delayed opening, there is NO before-care program
When there is an early dismissal, there is NO aftercare program
Before School Program starts at 7:00 am and runs until school starts at 8:10 am. At their home away from home, students are welcome to enjoy their breakfast, and then engage in our other fun activities and/or prepare for their school day.
After School Program begin at dismissal and operates until 5:00 pm Monday-Thursday. We offer healthy snacks, enrichment activities, homework help, outside play, and much more!
"DROP-IN" care is available, whenever you need it! Register online one time, and your child can "drop-in" to any of our programs. You are only billed for the days you attend.
Pay only for the amount of care that you need! WEC offers flexible scheduling for 1-4 days per week, and pick-up times of 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm.
Please contact the Work Family Connection directly to register or for more information.
Register today at Website
Questions? Give us a call at 908-534-5935