Gifted and Talented Program

The Frenchtown Elementary School offers a pull-out Gifted and Talented program which provides depth and complexity to the regular classroom curriculum by incorporating instructional adaptation to students who demonstrate a high level of ability in one or more content areas.

The purpose of identification is to provide programming and services in which students’ specific learning needs and potential are appropriately addressed and met. By identifying a student’s general intellectual ability, creativity, or specific academic area aptitudes, we are acknowledging that they need programming and services outside of the general education/grade level curriculum to advance their learning.

Our enrichment identification process includes multiple measures to identify students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade and includes consideration of students who are English Language Learners as well as twice-exceptional. There are two routes of identification for the Select Enrichment Program at Frenchtown Elementary School.

Route 1- matrix score

  • Must have a score in the range of 2 or more on the identification matrix on both COGAT and Torrance Test of Creative Thinking AND

  • Must have a score in the range of 3 or more on either the COGAT or Torrance Test of Creative Thinking.

If the above criteria are met, a Renzulli- Hartman Scale will be completed, and the following criteria will be entered into the matrix.

  • Grade average

  • The Renzulli Scale for Rating Behavioral Characteristics

A final matrix score of 12 or more is required for a student to enter the Select Enrichment program.

Route 2- teacher nomination

A teacher may nominate a student for participation in the Select Enrichment program at any time during the school year. This may include students who display characteristics that are not easily determined by tests (e.g., high levels of creativity and/or task commitment, unusual interests and/or talents, or special areas of superior performance and/or potential).  

Timeline for Identification

COGAT testing is administered in September- November to Kindergarten, third grade, and 6th grade students. Any students entering the district at any grade level will be tested. 

Torrance Test of Creative Thinking is administered to second and fifth-grade students from September to November. Any students entering the district at any grade level will be tested. 

Teachers may nominate students for Gifted and Talented services at any point during the school year for review. 

Once a student has been identified for Gifted and Talented services, they will remain in the program indefinitely unless there is a decline in their academic performance or a parent withdraws them from the program.

Continuum of Services

Frenchtown Elementary School provides a continuum of enrichment services for its students in the following areas:

  • Classroom teachers provide differentiated instruction and opportunities for independent study based on ability and areas of interest.

  • A variety of extracurricular clubs and activities are available after school during the school year, including K-4 Tutor Time, 5th-8th Grade Homework Club, K-8 Music Club, 4th-8th Grade Theater Club, and various sports clubs.

  • Summer Accelerated Learning Program is available July- August

  • Science, Art, Music, and Theatre camps are available during the summer.

  • A pull-out Gifted and Talented program is available for identified students in grades K-8. Groupings are based on individual student abilities and interests. The program provides depth and complexity to the regular classroom curriculum and offers opportunities for students to work independently in areas of individual passions and talents.

Complaint Process

Please refer to Board Policy #6171.2 for further information regarding our program, services, and the complaint process.