Special Services
Special Services/Academic Support
There are two systems in the district to address the needs of students who are not meeting academic success. The Intervention & Referral Services Team (I&RS), is designed to provide interventions for teachers who have struggling students. The Child Study Team (CST) is designed to provide support services to children who demonstrate a need through various testing procedures.
Please contact Jennifer Ege at (908) 996-2751, ext. 7227
Special Education
The Child Study Team is designed to identify and provide services to eligible children who are classified as disabled. If a child is found to be eligible for Special Education, the CST will convene a meeting with the parents to develop the student's IEP (Individual Education Plan). This legal and confidential document is developed after a student is classified and is updated every year at an Annual Review Meeting, or sooner if necessary. Each classified student is assigned a case manager, a member of the child study team, who oversees the student's program and progress. Students that only require Speech services will be case managed by the Speech Therapist.
Since the IEP is a legal document, all staff responsible for its implementation must have a copy of it, familiarize themselves with the content, and keep progress notes/records. Lesson plans must indicate how lessons are adopted/differentiated to meet the student's IEP goals. Any questions regarding the IEP should be directed to the child's case manager. Four times a year, progress towards mastery of the goals is completed and sent home to the parents.
If you have concerns with your child's academic progress, please contact Mrs. Ege at extension 7227.
I & RS
The I & RS team is designed to provide interventions for students who are having academic or behavioral difficulties within the classroom. The team meets to identify concerns, analyze strategies that have been implemented, problem solve for additional resources, and determine the best practices to ensure student's success.
By meeting with a variety of staff from various backgrounds, the I & RS team will be able to address a wide range of concerns. Members of the I & RS Team may include the following: Principal, Social Worker, Regular Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher, Speech Therapist, or any other professional that could give guidance to helping the student.
If you feel that your child would benefit from an I & RS plan, please contact Mrs. Ege at extension 7227.
504 Plans
Section 504 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Section 504 ensures that students with medical or other disabilities have equal access to an education.
Qualified students may receive accommodations and modifications planned by persons knowledgeable about the students, the results of the evaluation data, and placement and accommodation options.
If you feel that your child is in need of a 504 plan, please contact Mrs. Ege at extension 7227.